Sub-Saharan Social Enterprise Startup: GHANA

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Headfirst in a Sub-Saharan Startup

Ok, Yes I am drinking an ice cold Star, one of Ghana’s favorite beers. I did it, I confessed my first blog post may be one filled with drunken slurs, typos, a rant or two and a few other “deniable” unacceptable social norms. When it comes to drinking crispy, ice cold beer, Star cannot be beat. Plus I like how the bottle has 4 stars embossed right on the side, great for people that are visually challenged. Think of the guy who has a visual impairment that can now know confidently when he grabs a Star bottle he knows for a fact what he has in his hand. But back to the reason as to why I am starting this blog. I am a perpetual entrepreneur. Some have a vice for wine, women or cars but for myself…its startups. The rush, pitter patter of the heart when you make your first hire, even your first sacking and sell is unmistakably a rush worthy of a 5 dollar rock of crack cocaine...such is life as a serial entrepreneur.

Thus it comes to be, I am over 5000 miles away from home (Where is home, anyway?) in the capital of Ghana, Accra. Working hard at “moving forward” with our little startup called Grow Ghana LTD, a social enterprise with a hybrid business model (yet to be tested). We have a ragtag team of inexperienced young wannabe entrepreneurs which are for the most part constantly late coming and early going… but dedicated nonetheless of our quest to GrowGhana!  Come with us and experience the trails, challenges and joys of establishing a post web 2.0 business in the booming Sub-Saharan Africa.  But be forewarned the roads are rough, the electricity is sporadic and the water stops flowing at the mention of, “I’m going to go take a shower”

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Blogger Alex Duggan said...

so how can I help?

March 1, 2009 at 12:20 PM  

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